How to get iso certification:

Here are the four essential steps to becoming an ISO-certified business

  1. Develop your management system
  • Identify your core or business process.
  • Document processes with the involvement of employees.
  • Review, approve and distribute the documents to those who need access to the information.

2. Implement your system

  • Ensure procedures are being performed as they are described in your documentation.
  • Ensure employees are trained properly for the tasks they are performing.
  • Create effective reporting systems to cover inspection, testing, corrective actions, preventive actions, management review meetings, monitoring of objectives, statistical techniques and so on.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of your processes through the use of measurable data, where possible.
  • Review and take action to improve in the areas required.

3. Verify that your system is effective

  • Conduct the audit and review the processes and system for compliance and effectiveness. Observe, interview people and look at sample records.
  • Identify and report strengths and weaknesses of the management system.
  • Take corrective or preventive action as required.

4. Register your system

  • Select the appropriate auditing body for external registration (for example BQSR Certification NIgeria through Tresexellent Improvement Services Limited in Nigeria).
  • Submit your management system documentation for review to ensure it complies with the applicable standard.
  • Prepare for review by an external auditor to confirm that the system’s requirements are being satisfied and that the management system is implemented effectively.